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Dear Friends,

It is with great joy and gratitude that I welcome you to Christian Education Growth Foundation. Our journey began with a deeply personal experience that highlighted a critical need within our community. When my daughter’s school faced significant financial hurdles in its efforts to build a new schoolhouse to meet the growing needs of our community, it became clear that many Christian schools encounter similar challenges.


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​​Todd Beauford

President, Christian Education Growth Foundation

Witnessing the financial stress and the impact it had on our school, students, and families inspired the creation of CEG Foundation. Our vision is to ensure every Christian school thrives and grows, unhindered by financial barriers, fostering a future where Christian education flourishes in every community. Our mission is to empower Christian churches and schools by providing the necessary financial resources to build, expand, and sustain Christian education. We are dedicated to removing financial obstacles, enabling institutions to achieve their educational and spiritual goals. We believe that Christian education represents the gold standard in educational excellence, and we are committed to assisting Christian schools in upholding and advancing this standard.


Thank you for your support and partnership as we work together to make this vision a reality.

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