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Christian Education Growth Foundation is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to people with disabilities. We believe that all users, regardless of their abilities, should have a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience. Our efforts to enhance accessibility align with our mission to support Christian schools in providing an inclusive educational environment.


This statement was last updated on [enter relevant date].
We at Christian Education Growth Foundation are dedicated to making our site [enter site name and address] accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities.

Our Commitment to Web Accessibility

At Christian Education Growth Foundation, we strive to ensure that our website complies with WCAG [2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 - select relevant option] guidelines, and we aim to achieve a level of [A / AA / AAA - select relevant option] accessibility. We have implemented various features and functionalities to facilitate easy navigation and usage for visitors with disabilities.

Enhancements for Accessibility

To achieve this, we have taken the following measures:

    Provided alternative text for images to assist users with visual impairments

    Ensured a clear and logical structure with proper heading hierarchy

    Selected color combinations that meet accessibility standards

    Minimized the use of motion to prevent discomfort for certain users

    Ensured that all videos, audio, and downloadable files are accessible

Declaration of partial compliance with the standard due to third-party content [only add if relevant]

Our commitment to accessibility may be impacted by third-party content on certain pages. These pages are as follows: [list the URLs of the pages]. We are dedicated to addressing these accessibility challenges and ensuring a seamless experience for all users.

Supporting Accessibility

Christian Education Growth Foundation is dedicated to fostering accessibility not only on our website but also within the physical offices and branches of our organization. We have implemented various accessibility arrangements to cater to the diverse needs of our visitors and stakeholders.

Get in Touch

If you encounter any accessibility issues on our site or if you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our accessibility coordinator:

[Name of the accessibility coordinator]

[Telephone number of the accessibility coordinator]

[Email address of the accessibility coordinator]

[Enter any additional contact details if relevant / available]

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