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  • Writer's picturePeter Garbow

CATHOLICVOTE.ORG: Nationwide school choice bill clears committee, moves to House floor

Rachel Quackenbush at Catholic Vote reports that a historic school choice bill has cleared a critical hurdle in the U.S. House, as the Ways and Means Committee approved HR 9462, moving it to the House floor. The bill, introduced by Representatives Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Burgess Owens (R-UT), seeks to provide tax credits for donations to nonprofits offering scholarships for K-12 education. Proponents argue that this bill could revolutionize the U.S. education system by empowering parents and increasing school choice. Quackenbush writes:

“We have seen through the success of school choice initiatives across the country how empowering parents gives them – not the government – the freedom to decide where to send their children to school and to tailor their children’s education to their specific needs,” Smith said in the press release.

This legislation is a response to growing concerns that traditional public schools fail to meet the needs of many students. Critics have long claimed that school choice is detrimental to public education, yet recent data shows it could enhance options for families seeking alternatives to failing systems. According to Quackenbush, Smith also pointed out that 365,000 students have already benefited from state programs. He further explained that the bill’s tax credits would encourage charitable donations to nonprofit scholarship organizations. Quackenbush continues:

“This legislation will help bring that success to many more students in the future,” Committee Chair Jason Smith added in the press release.

School choice has long been a contentious issue, with opponents fearing the redirection of funds away from public schools. However, this bill appears poised to become a national model for expanding educational opportunities.

Read the full story here.


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