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  • Writer's pictureTodd Beauford

Why Christian Education Deserves Our Support: A Personal Perspective

I was raised in Overland Park, Kansas, in a family that, like many, had its unique set of challenges. My brother has special needs, and growing up alongside him taught me invaluable lessons about compassion, patience, and the power of community support. It born in me what has been a lifelong purpose to speak up for those without a voice, protect those who can’t protect themselves, and to live out the Biblical principle of being “your brothers’ keeper.”  I attended public schools until high school, where I transitioned to a private Catholic school. My public-school experience was one of being passed along from grade to grade by teachers that were too overwhelmed by class size to notice the easily distracted, falling behind boy in the corner. It was also a time of intense violence where bullying was a daily occurrence and fear drove me to run home daily. It wasn’t until is transitioned to private schooling that I received a strong academic foundation. It is also where I was introduced to an education that intertwined faith and learning in a way that nurtured my soul as well as my mind. It was there that I saw firsthand the transformative power of Christian education—a place where teachers not only imparted knowledge but also instilled a deep sense of purpose rooted in Christ.

This realization stayed with me, but my passion for Christian education truly deepened as I grew in my own faith. I have a deep-rooted belief in Jesus Christ, a faith that has been my rock through life’s highest peaks and deepest valleys. Many years later it was at church, of all places, that I met my wife, and together we’ve built a life centered on our shared devotion to Jesus. Our faith was never more essential than during one of the darkest moments of our lives—the loss of our son. The pain was indescribable, and in those moments, nothing made sense. But it was our faith that carried us through, providing comfort when the world around us felt like it was crumbling. It’s in those moments of profound grief that I came to understand the irreplaceable strength that comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Today, we are blessed with two beautiful daughters, and our greatest joy is to raise them in the light of Christ. I believe, without a doubt, that my principle mission in life is to shepherd my wife and daughters—to ensure that they know, love, and serve Jesus. Part of fulfilling that mission is ensuring that our children are surrounded by a Christ-centered education, where faith is not just an afterthought but the foundation of everything they learn. That’s why it’s such a blessing that my wife now teaches at the same Christian school our daughters attend. Every day, I see how that environment shapes their hearts and minds in ways that go far beyond academics. They’re not just learning facts and figures—they’re learning to live out their faith, to love others, and to see the world through the lens of God’s truth.

Supporting Christian education, to me, is about so much more than academic excellence. Yes, Christian schools provide rigorous education, but they also offer something far more valuable—they help mold young hearts into Christ-followers who are equipped to navigate a world that often pushes faith to the margins. In today’s culture, our children are bombarded with messages that challenge their beliefs, question their values, and tempt them to stray from their faith. Christian schools are like lighthouses, offering direction and hope in the midst of this cultural storm. These schools give students a foundation that is anchored in biblical truth, allowing them to stand firm in their identity in Christ while excelling academically.

In August of 2021, we all watched the chaotic scenes as the United States withdrew its forces from Afghanistan. One image, in particular, stood out—a photograph of a father handing his infant daughter, Liya, to a United States Marine over the Kabul airport wall. Liya was only 16 days old, and her father’s decision to hand her to a total stranger was an act of sheer desperation. Everything around him was disintegrating. The survival of his family was uncertain, and chaos reigned. Yet he made that unthinkable choice because he saw the Marine’s uniform and believed that in those hands, his daughter had a fighting chance.

That image resonates deeply with me, especially as I think about the role of Christian schools in our communities. In many ways, the culture around us feels like it is disintegrating. Families are struggling—some in desperation—wondering how they’ll survive the chaos that surrounds them. Christian schools, like neighborhood churches, are the Marines standing on the wall. We are offering parents and families a place to bring their children, their marriages, their struggles, and their hopes. Christian schools provide a lifeline, a place where parents can hand over their most precious gift—their children—and trust that they will be taught, nurtured, and pointed toward Jesus. Just as that Marine represented safety and hope for Liya’s father, Christian schools represent a safe haven for parents looking for a way to give their children a chance to thrive in a chaotic world.

This is why I’m so passionate about the work we do at the Christian Education Growth Foundation. When my daughter’s school faced financial challenges in building a new schoolhouse, I realized how many other Christian schools face similar struggles. These schools have a calling to shape the future of our children, to develop young disciples, but too often, financial burdens limit their ability to grow, serve, and expand their reach. Our mission at CEG Foundation is to remove those obstacles so that Christian schools can focus on what truly matters—preparing students academically and spiritually for the world ahead.

Supporting the growth of Christian education is not just a nice idea—it’s an urgent necessity. As Christians, we are called to invest in the next generation, to equip them with the knowledge, faith, and character they need to stand strong in a world that challenges their beliefs. Christian education is more than an academic alternative; it’s an investment in the future of our faith and the future of our communities.

Together, we can ensure that Christian schools are not only sustained but that they thrive, giving families a place to turn, a community of faith, and a fighting chance for their children to grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.



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